7 ways to get more leads for business

The life blood of a business, is leads! Getting leads for a business is one of THE most important activities in a business.

How do you know you don’t have enough leads:

  • Sales slow down when there are no leads
  • You are over contacting leads (they get irritated with you when you ask them yet again to buy something)
  • The telephones are not ringing
  • Very little email or quote requests

How do you know you have good sales lead flow:

  • There is a consistent stream of leads
  • The phone rings
  • Daily quotes and invoices, you are actively generating business
  • The business is growing
  • Sales people are hitting targets

20 years ago, creating websites and pages was hard. Today that is easy. The biggest change over the past couple years is getting attention.

Attention is the new game. That is why, just running one advertisement is not enough anymore to generate enough good quality leads. You need to have multiple campaigns for different awareness levels. We use a sales funnel approach to get more business leads.

People have access to more information than ever. They price shop. Search. Get multiple quotes. For these reasons you need to work on having a marketing and sales machine that generates business leads for you.

The different levels for a sales funnel are:

  • Top of the funnel
  • Middle of the funnel
  • Bottom of the funnel

Your communication will change as people progress. A first step, or top of the funnel, is creating awareness. If they do not know about you, they cannot buy from you. The middle of the funnel is where people have shown interest. The bottom of the funnel is where the hottest prospects are.

Interested in leads for business? Contact us today.

Here are 7 ways you can get leads for business

  1. Social selling. We have worked with many clients, and have always seen this is a great opportunity.
  2. Google ads. Getting your business out there using Google ads is a fast effective way to generate leads. There is a lot of intent when search for your products or services. You need to be there when they are ready.
  3. Facebook ads. Introducing your business to people can be on Facebook. It is also a great platform to follow up with leads. Facebook offers a range of tools to reach more people, generate leads and make more sales.
  4. Local Marketing. Because the world has changed, local has become even more important than ever. Using local business directories, Google My Business, etc all helps to generate more business leads.
  5. Email list. Yes, the money is in the list. Keep on building your list of leads and clients.
  6. Be consistent. Posting or taking action once a month is NOT enough. It is like going to gym. The more regularly you go, the stronger you get. The same with your marketing and sales. The more consistent you are, the better the results.
  7. Multiple channels. Do not rely on JUST one channel. There are ups and downs in the market, channels change their rules, etc. Lower the risk of lead flow stopping by implementing a multi-channel approach.

Interested in leads for business? Contact us today.

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